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Introducing streaming TV: the new television

Streaming TV

Television consumption in Australia is changing. Television is no longer just consumed over a linear broadcast via the TV aerial. It is increasingly consumed via live streaming and on-demand viewing through an internet connection – what we refer to as streaming TV.​

​Streaming TV is growing rapidly. This changing TV viewing behaviour is being driven by connected TV penetration in Australia. Connected TVs are TVs that are connected to the internet, such as smart TVs and set top boxes like Apple TV, Telstra TV, Chromecast or Fetch TV. Two in three Australians now have a connected TV at home, and according to the Interactive Advertising Bureau, in 2022 there were 11.9 million Australians who streamed video content on a connected TV, with 8.6 million viewing daily.  ​


​9Now is Channel Nine’s streaming TV platform. It reaches more Australians than any other Broadcaster streaming TV platform and features Australia’s most loved TV shows, such Married at First Sight, The Block, Lego Masters, Parental Guidance, Love Island, Travel Diaries, The Summit, Food Stars and Rush. It also brings the biggest sporting events in the calendar to Australian audiences, live and free, including the Australian Open, US Open, Roland Garros, Wimbledon, NRL and NRLW, State of Origin, The Ashes, UEFA Champions League and Rugby Union. And from 2024, the Olympic and Paralympic Games as well as the Winter Olympics.​

​9Now is watched by 4 million Australians every month, reaching 29% of all viewers who have watched Nine’s content across all platforms (broadcast and streaming TV) in 2023. By 2028, we expect 9Now to reach around 50% of all TV viewers of Nine’s content across all platforms. The shift to streaming TV helps businesses like yours access TV advertising like never before.​

​Streaming TV brings together the best of traditional television and the best of digital. Television is famous for building brands through the power of sight, sound and motion with emotive story-telling on the main screen in the living room, delivered at scale. As an advertising vehicle, it’s unmatched for providing a premium content environment that is guaranteed to make your ad look good. Streaming TV does all of the things that Television is famous for, but with the added capabilities that one-to-one advertising brings, such as targeting and measurement. 

​TV advertising has traditionally only been for the big brands, but that has now changed. Nine Ad Manager started with the goal of making TV advertising accessible to businesses of all sizes and help them get their message in front of Nine’s huge audience of potential customers. With Nine Ad Manager, TV advertising is not just within your reach, but easier than ever. You can now buy a TV campaign for as little as $500 (+GST) across Australia’s top rating television shows on Australia’s No.1 streaming TV service, served to an audience you want in the postcodes you want to reach. If you don’t have an ad you can create a 30-second TV commercial free of charge and track the effectiveness of every ad served.​

​Nine Ad Manager is fully self-serve and simple to use. Create your campaign, choose your budget, and start and stop whenever you want. It’s that easy. Ready to reach TV streaming audiences? Ready to see your business on TV alongside the very best of Australian broadcast television content? Sign up for Nine Ad Manager and grow your business.

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