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Creative checklist

  1. Open with Impact:

  • Does your ad start with a visually striking or attention-grabbing moment to hook viewers within the first few seconds?

  1. Brand Personality:

  • Does your ad effectively convey your brand's personality and values? Is it authentic and aligned with your identity? Is your brand name or logo clearly visible at both the beginning and end of the ad?

  1. Text and Voice Over Balance:

  • Have you balanced on-screen text and voice-over to reinforce your message without overwhelming viewers? Can you watch the Ad without sound?

  1. Graphics and Audio Quality:

  • Are the graphics and audio elements of your ad of high quality and memorable?

  1. Less is more:

  • Is your ad focused on delivering a single, clear message? 

  1. Compelling Storytelling:

  • Is your ad telling a unique and compelling story that aligns with your brand? Does it engage viewers emotionally?

  1. Competitive Differentiation:

  • Have you considered your competitors' messaging and ads to ensure yours stands out? What sets you apart? Showcase how your product or service solves a problem or improves the lives of your customers. Focus on benefits over features.

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